We Gather Here Today to Celebrate…
…the one-year anniversary of our West Coast expansion! San Francisco, with its like-minded, forward-thinking and innovative people, was a natural fit for Neoscape. In the past year the studio has forged new business relationships, rekindled old, and further cemented Neoscape as an award-winning creative agency. Below, Studio Lead Jason Addy reflects back on a successful first year for Neoscape San Francisco, and the exciting things to come for the studio. Thanks to all our clients and partners for making it a hella good year.
You left in 2011 to escape the East Coast winter, what brought you back to Neoscape?
The comradery and talent within this company. Plain and simple, it’s rough working with people when they’re just co-workers. We’ve all experienced this at past gigs and it’s never something that we look forward to. Neoscape’s culture is something that I have missed since the day that I left the Boston studio. It’s great to be around colleagues that you consider your friends because it makes the day-to-day business that much better.
What most excited you about opening up a San Francisco studio?
The ability to build partnerships with a local team and help growth in a company that I already had much respect for.
How does the Boston culture compare to the San Francisco culture?
I think that the biggest difference between Boston, or any city that I have lived in really, is that San Francisco is extremely laid back. Suits, shoe shines and briefcases are a thing of the past. The lack of boat shoes and big collared shirts is also an obvious one!

What are the San Francisco studio’s biggest accomplishments?
I would say that our biggest accomplishments would be the ability to hire two new employees within our first year as a studio, and building and rebuilding relationships with partners.
Name something you look forward to in the future of architectural visualization.
For me personally, I think that architectural visualization has always borrowed techniques from the feature film industry. I look forward to incorporating more of these techniques down the road, and making our product something that’s higher end and more relatable to people even outside architecture and real estate.
What would you say to yourself one year ago?
This won’t be a walk in the park.
Pick one sport to stay and one to go?
Hockey stays (duh!) and golf goes.
What’s your favorite beer?
Really feeling the Lagunitas session ales as of late. Not too high in alcohol, crisp and good year-round.

If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?
I’d probably pick Bjork because I have been a huge fan for so long. She’s innovative, artistic, powerful and outspoken, which is why her music has been so important to me over the years. Her music has pushed me through many late nights on projects and driven many of my friends crazy over the years, so I’d love to pick her brain about not only that, but the current state of the world in general.
Favorite type of work that you do at Neoscape and why?
I really thrive on animation projects. They’re always the most intimidating up front because of the sheer amount of problems that can go wrong with them, but they end up providing the most satisfaction once you’re done. I love reviewing what we could have done better and what looks fantastic once the product is finished.
What do you feel is Neoscape’s biggest impact on the CRE market?
Disrupting the norm and challenging our clients have been our biggest impact. When our partners want to explore new ideas and let us branch out of the trends in the industry, we do our best work.
What are the next steps for the San Francisco studio?
We’re currently looking to move our office to the East Bay. We’re looking for a space to grow into and call home. Looking forward to this!